
Showing posts from April, 2019

Psych Memes

Here are my 5! Don't laugh too hard 😂

The Science Behind Eating Disorders

       Most people, including me, would associate eating disorders with cultural and social pressures, that only external factors are the cause of severe disorders such as anorexia and bulimia. Misinformation is extremely common surrounding eating disorders. While the environment certainly does play a big role in the development of these disorders, there is recent evidence proving that the brain itself plays a big role.        First off, eating disorders are any illness that causes serious disturbances to one's diet. The most commonly known are Anorexia Nervosa, extreme food restriction and emaciation, and Bulimia Nervosa, episodes of binge eating followed by purging, fasting, or excessive exercise.          Both of these can cause severe illnesses such as  gastrointestinal problems, electrolyte imbalance and cardiovascular disease, muscle wasting, heart and brain damage, and multi-organ failure. ...

My Personality

    Jung Typology Test   Initially when I scanned the multiple choice personality test, I was doubtful of how accurate it could reveal my personality. The only multiple choices provided were  YES (strongly agree), yes (agree), uncertain, no (disagree), NO (strongly disagree), and YES/NO questions to scenarios only scratch the surface of what a person resonates with. The test included 64 questions, regarding mainly how extroverted or introverted and logical or emotionally based a person is. Some of the statements were very simple like "Do you find it difficult to speak loudly?" while others dug deeper into more thoughtful concepts like "Do you think everything in the world is relative?". I found it interesting how this broad range of questions was included. I got ENTJ, Extravert (41%), Intuitive (12%), Thinking (6%), and Judging (25%). Despite the multiple choice factor, I feel like the results were very accurate because I've never associated myself with one...