My Personality
Jung Typology Test
Initially when I scanned the multiple choice personality test, I was doubtful of how accurate it could reveal my personality. The only multiple choices provided were YES (strongly agree), yes (agree), uncertain, no (disagree), NO (strongly disagree), and YES/NO questions to scenarios only scratch the surface of what a person resonates with. The test included 64 questions, regarding mainly how extroverted or introverted and logical or emotionally based a person is. Some of the statements were very simple like "Do you find it difficult to speak loudly?" while others dug deeper into more thoughtful concepts like "Do you think everything in the world is relative?". I found it interesting how this broad range of questions was included. I got ENTJ, Extravert (41%), Intuitive (12%), Thinking (6%), and Judging (25%). Despite the multiple choice factor, I feel like the results were very accurate because I've never associated myself with one specific personality, but rather pieces of multiple personalities.
Sims Personality Test
As once avid player of the sims in my childhood, I naturally decided to take the Sims Personality test. Again, it was multiple choice with 5 options: strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, and strongly agree. These questions were very basic, such as "Can be tense" and "Is outgoing, sociable". Due to the vagueness of the scenarios, I feel like the accuracy of this test isn't very valid. Also, I received multiple "Sim archetypes", including Neat, Active, and Playful, none of which is accurate to me. This test is more of fun game to play and compare with your peers, not an actual personality test.
The Online Attraction Test
This test was the most interesting to take. I was given 40 pictures of different men to rate their attractiveness from "Not at all" to "Very". One thing thing I noticed was the inclusion of men in the army. My guess for this inclusion was for the people who find muscular/manly men attractive. I feel like this test is mainly accurate to some extent. For example, the stereotype surrounding Asian people (it was used frequently in this test) is that they're intelligent. I find intelligent men attractive but it doesn't necessarily mean I find certain Asian men attractive, therefore the result of me not preferring intelligent men is incorrect. Also, other factors can influence whether I found someone attractive or not. For example, I usually find men who are tall more attractive than those who are short. (Duh, I'm 5'10") My results were a little surprising to me. I prefer trendy and seductive men over those who are cheerful, rebellious (counter-culture), or intelligent.
Ever since I was little, I have always loved Harry Potter, especially the Gryffindor house. To my surprise, my results concluded I was a Gryffindor. 11 year old me would've been so proud.
Thankfully, Slytherin came last as the house that most represented me.
This test was a lot like the Sims test, except these "archetypes" (or the Hogwarts Houses), display a broader range or personality and behavior. For example, Hufflepuffs are fair minded, loyal, honest, and hardworking, not just loyal or just honest alone. I feel like this test was a very accurate measure at what Hogwarts class I was meant to be in, but not a very good test of my specific personality.
Again, like I mentioned before, multiple choice questions can only scratch the surface of a subject, or in this case, the personality of
Crime Study
Finally, I took the Crime study test. The results for the purpose of the test, to learn about impressions were inconclusive, but they did provide a personalized summary of my personality.
The most shocking out of my results was the symmetry between disagreeable and agreeable. I would've thought I would be on the agreeable side by a long-shot, as I consider myself a nice and easy to talk to person. This test had two sections: a basic multiple question section regarding my personality (similar to the Sims test or the Hogwarts house test), and then another section asking questions about a criminal case of a man who broke into a woman's house and stabbed her to death. It asked questions like "How attractive do you find this man?" and "Do you enjoy watching crime shows?"
Overall, I enjoyed taking all of these tests to determine my personality. A large portion of the results were surprising but enlightening.
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