
Goodbye :((

Dear Future AP Psych student, I would like to begin this doleful letter with one crucial piece of advice. DO YOUR VOCAB!!!! It covers all the vocab for that unit and you get a free daily grade 100! Understand every vocab word along with an example for each one. (Vocab is pretty much 80% of the tests and the AP) The day before the test review, go over the quizlets Halfen provides on schoology to secure those extra credit points! Also don't forget to do the mind maps before each unit test (5 extra credit points on the test. Trust me, it's helpful) My favorite activity was when we created the orange brains. Not only was it super fun (and delicious if you were brave enough to eat a piece of orange-covered candy), but it was helpful in terms of understanding where the major structures of the brain are located. This class not only didn't stress me out, but it was engaging and educational. I wouldn't change anything besides the abundance of content digs. My sug...

Psych Memes

Here are my 5! Don't laugh too hard 😂

The Science Behind Eating Disorders

       Most people, including me, would associate eating disorders with cultural and social pressures, that only external factors are the cause of severe disorders such as anorexia and bulimia. Misinformation is extremely common surrounding eating disorders. While the environment certainly does play a big role in the development of these disorders, there is recent evidence proving that the brain itself plays a big role.        First off, eating disorders are any illness that causes serious disturbances to one's diet. The most commonly known are Anorexia Nervosa, extreme food restriction and emaciation, and Bulimia Nervosa, episodes of binge eating followed by purging, fasting, or excessive exercise.          Both of these can cause severe illnesses such as  gastrointestinal problems, electrolyte imbalance and cardiovascular disease, muscle wasting, heart and brain damage, and multi-organ failure. ...

My Personality

    Jung Typology Test   Initially when I scanned the multiple choice personality test, I was doubtful of how accurate it could reveal my personality. The only multiple choices provided were  YES (strongly agree), yes (agree), uncertain, no (disagree), NO (strongly disagree), and YES/NO questions to scenarios only scratch the surface of what a person resonates with. The test included 64 questions, regarding mainly how extroverted or introverted and logical or emotionally based a person is. Some of the statements were very simple like "Do you find it difficult to speak loudly?" while others dug deeper into more thoughtful concepts like "Do you think everything in the world is relative?". I found it interesting how this broad range of questions was included. I got ENTJ, Extravert (41%), Intuitive (12%), Thinking (6%), and Judging (25%). Despite the multiple choice factor, I feel like the results were very accurate because I've never associated myself with one...

Physical Empathy?

Mirror-touch Synesthesia is a rare condition which causes individuals to experience a similar sensation in the same part of the body (such as a touch) that another person feels. A very small portion of the population has this condition- only about 2%. This disorder is developmental, but it has also been known to affect people who have lost an extremity. For them, Mirror-touch synesthesia happens along with phantom limb, the sensation that an amputated or missing limb is still attached. The somatosensory mirror system in people with this condition is hyperactive, causing them to be able to feel what others feel. In one study, an fMRI was able to show that those with mirror-touch synesthesia have an increase in activity in certain areas of the brain. The brain is extremely powerful and this condition is just one example of many that shows how intricate and complicated it is. I think it's cool how Mirror-touch synesthesia is like the physical version of emotional empathy. h...

My BioHero

My birthday is on January 3rd  and my BioHero's name is Nervous Hippo.  Growing up in a typical swamp, the Nervous Hippo realized she had powers that none of her other hippo friends had. Despite being anxious and paranoid most of her childhood, the Nervous Hippo could remember things efficiently and for long periods of time very accurately and quickly. As well as having great memory, the Nervous Hippo could contract her muscles quicker and sleep better than all of the other hippos in the swap. NH quickly realized that the reason why she was superior to her community was due to having an enlarged hippocampus and the overproduction of Acetylcholine in her body.  When Nervous Hippo became an adult, her powers continued to grow and strengthen. Her powers became so strong that she was able to help the other hippos in the swamp with her abilities. With her enlarged hippocampus she was able to help hippos with emotional problems, strengthening their limbic syste...

How good is my memory?

The first test I took was the "Common Cents" test. Knowing me, I expected to choose the penny that looked the complete opposite of the actual penny. Surprisingly, I got it right! I feel like because this test only took a few seconds to complete, it isn't a very accurate measure of how well a person can identify an everyday object. In my instance, I chose the one that seemed right and I coincidentally chose the correct one. The next test I took was Continuous Concentration test. This one included multiple tests, but I decided to show the two that I scored the best on (Duh).  I found this test quite long and I felt mentally depleted after finishing it, even more than I usually do.  When taking the visual patterns test, 9/10 of the puzzles given were pretty straightforward. The only puzzle that made absolutely no sense to me was the last one. I feel like because there were only 10 puzzles given, it was mediocre in terms of determining how well a perso...