How good is my memory?

The first test I took was the "Common Cents" test. Knowing me, I expected to choose the penny that looked the complete opposite of the actual penny. Surprisingly, I got it right!

I feel like because this test only took a few seconds to complete, it isn't a very accurate measure of how well a person can identify an everyday object. In my instance, I chose the one that seemed right and I coincidentally chose the correct one.

The next test I took was Continuous Concentration test. This one included multiple tests, but I decided to show the two that I scored the best on (Duh).  I found this test quite long and I felt mentally depleted after finishing it, even more than I usually do. 

When taking the visual patterns test, 9/10 of the puzzles given were pretty straightforward. The only puzzle that made absolutely no sense to me was the last one. I feel like because there were only 10 puzzles given, it was mediocre in terms of determining how well a person can detect visual patterns. I feel like more puzzles would make the results more precise.

 Splitting your attention test was quite entertaining. I could keep track of all the dots pretty well until the last few rounds. I feel like because the test did multiple rounds with different numbers of dots and different speeds, it was a really accurate measure of how well a person can keep track of several moving objects. 

Overall, it was very interesting to see how well I can complete these memory tests, whether they can be applied to my daily life (Like the common sense test) or something I use infrequently (Visual patterns test) 

Finally, I found this article about how depression can affect your memory. When a person has depression, it decreases the growth of brain cells in the hippocampus , affecting memory. I found this really interesting because I know a few people suffering with depression, and I've always noticed that they have a tendency to forget certain things more frequently than the average person.


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